One stop supplier of VOCs treatment equipment
13824795166 Mr. Liang

Guangzhou Wadison Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Phase I
Case details
01 Owner Information
Guangzhou Wadison Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. mainly produces plastic parts, automotive components and accessories, hardware accessories and other products. During the production process, processes such as spraying and curing generate a large amount of organic waste gas, which damages the physical and mental health of employees and affects the surrounding environment. To respond to national environmental policies and achieve environmental protection and sustainable development. Entrusted by the property owner, provide them with a comprehensive solution for VOCs waste gas.
02 Industry attributes
auto parts
03 Source of exhaust gas
Workpiece spraying, oil painting, hanging wire and other processes
04 Processing air volume
60000 m³/h
05 Governance process
Zeolite wheel+three bed RTO
06 Composition of exhaust gas
Benzene, esters, alcohols, etc
07 emission standard
The exhaust emission standards refer to the second period limit of the Guangdong Province local standard "Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds in the Automotive Spray Coating Industry" (DB44/816-2010). The specific emission standard values used are detailed in the table below
08 Project site
Environmental Protection Equipment
Thermal storage thermal oxidation equipment(RTO)
Regenerative catalytic combustion equipment (RCO)
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+three beds RTO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+rotation RTO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+three beds RCO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+catalytic combustion (CO)
Online activated carbon adsorption concentration desorption+catalytic combustion(CO)
Offline activated carbon adsorption, concentration, desorption+catalytic combustion(CO)

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