One stop supplier of VOCs treatment equipment
13824795166 Mr. Liang

Zhongshan Jinhe Adhesive Products Co., Ltd
Case details
01 Owner Information
Zhongshan Jinhe Adhesive Products Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. It is a company specializing in the production of self-adhesive paper, synthetic paper, Teduolong, silicone oil paper, high-temperature resistant self-adhesive, laser film, PVC self-adhesive, bottomless laminating, bottomless matte film, bottomed temperature resistant fog film, bottomed temperature resistant laminating, PE self-adhesive, sandwich tape and other products. During the production process, a certain amount of volatile organic waste gas is generated, which has the characteristics of complex composition, strong odor, and high gas concentration. To meet national and local emission requirements, the owner has entrusted our company to provide a solution.
02 Industry attributes
Adhesive industry
03 Source of exhaust gas
Coating and oven process production line
04 Processing air volume
05 Governance process
Regenerative thermal oxidation furnace (three bed RTO)+waste heat reuse
06 Composition of exhaust gas
Benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl acetate
The concentration is approximately 6500mg/m ³
07 emission standard
The exhaust emission standards refer to the second period limit of the Guangdong Province local standard "Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds in the Printing Industry of Guangdong Province" (DB44/815-2010).
The emission standard values are detailed in the following table:
08 Project site
Environmental Protection Equipment
Thermal storage thermal oxidation equipment(RTO)
Regenerative catalytic combustion equipment (RCO)
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+three beds RTO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+rotation RTO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+three beds RCO
Zeolite adsorption concentration rotary drum+catalytic combustion (CO)
Online activated carbon adsorption concentration desorption+catalytic combustion(CO)
Offline activated carbon adsorption, concentration, desorption+catalytic combustion(CO)

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